How Would You Like To Get Your Braces Off Sooner?

Most orthodontic patients remember hearing something like this before starting their treatment; “Be careful not to break any of your braces. If so, you might have your braces on longer than planned!" We’ve seen a big uptick recently in broken braces, wires and appliances. I wanted to write this week, from an orthodontist’s perspective, about some causes of breakage as... read more »

What Retainers Are Best?

Retainers are a very important part of orthodontic treatment. The fact is that teeth move with time, whether you’ve had orthodontic treatment or not. Retainers are the only proven way to keep your teeth from shifting. We call them the “insurance policy” of your orthodontic investment. We get the question all the time – “What retainers are best?” It can be confusing because... read more »
