orthodontic treatment | Coleman Orthodontics https://www.colemanorthodontics.com Tue, 07 May 2024 17:48:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 How Would You Like To Get Your Braces Off Sooner? https://www.colemanorthodontics.com/how-would-you-like-to-get-your-braces-off-sooner/ Tue, 07 May 2024 17:48:27 +0000 https://www.colemanorthodontics.com/?p=694 Most orthodontic patients remember hearing something like this before starting their treatment; “Be careful not to break any of your braces. If so, you might have your braces on longer than planned!” We’ve seen a big uptick recently in broken braces, wires and appliances. I wanted to write this week, from an orthodontist’s perspective, about [...]

The post How Would You Like To Get Your Braces Off Sooner? first appeared on Coleman Orthodontics.

Most orthodontic patients remember hearing something like this before starting their treatment; “Be careful not to break any of your braces. If so, you might have your braces on longer than planned!”

We’ve seen a big uptick recently in broken braces, wires and appliances. I wanted to write this week, from an orthodontist’s perspective, about some causes of breakage as well as the potential consequences of these problems.

Several years ago, with the help of my assistants, I treated myself with braces. Yes, I was my own orthodontic patient! I had braces from molar to molar, top and bottom. I was coaching my son’s baseball team one early, cold morning in Idaho Falls, Idaho. I didn’t have time to grab breakfast at the hotel, so I threw a protein bar in my bag. I started to get hungry mid-way through the game, so I pulled out the protein bar, which by now was really hard because of the cold. I bit into it with my back teeth and at once felt two braces break off my molars. What in the world was I thinking? I was my own orthodontist breaking my own rules!

I share this experience so you know that I understand how easy it is to forget the rules and eat hard or sticky food. All excuses aside though, the person who is affected the most from broken “parts” is the patient. Here are the main causes of breakage:

  1. Eating hard or sticky foods
  2. Biting on pens, pencils or other hard objects
  3. Flossing incorrectly

Some might think, “It’s ok if I break my braces. Dr. Coleman will just put them back on.” But not so fast! Let me explain.

Orthodontic treatment is a game of progression. We start with light, gentle forces on the teeth using small, thin wires. As the teeth straighten, we progress to stronger, heavier wires. If a patient breaks a brace or appliance, it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to get that brace or appliance back on the tooth in the perfect position to allow that strong, heavy wire to go through the braces again. The only choice we have at this point is to step back to that thin, light wire again. Doing this can delay treatment completion by anywhere from one to three months!

We really strive to run on time in the office. We know your time is valuable and we always want to respect that. When we set up a patient’s appointment, it’s not practical to add 15 minutes to that appointment to allow for fixing broken parts. It’s difficult to complete each patient’s planned procedures plus taking time for these repairs. So, in other words, it gets us behind in our daily schedule and people end up waiting.

As I mentioned above, I know that accidents happen. And I’m perfectly aware that sometimes things break and it’s no fault of the patient whatsoever. If we can all just remember to be very careful with what and how we eat, what we bite and chew, and be careful not to get floss caught on any braces, wires or appliances, I believe we can cut breakage in half. This would result in at least half of our patients finishing treatment on or even ahead of schedule.

I want to thank all of you for being a part of our practice. We truly appreciate and value the relationship we have with our patients and their families. We think we have the best job ever! As the school year ends, we wish you a great summer break. Have fun and be careful and we look forward to seeing you in the office again soon! And remember – if you’re looking into braces or clear aligners for yourself or a family member, summers get busy in the office. You’ll want to get your appointment scheduled as soon as you can. Call our office at 801-614-9090 to set up your free consultation.

Keep Smiling,
Dr. Coleman

The post How Would You Like To Get Your Braces Off Sooner? first appeared on Coleman Orthodontics.

When Is the Best Time for Kids To Get Braces? https://www.colemanorthodontics.com/when-is-the-best-time-for-kids-to-get-braces/ Tue, 09 Apr 2024 19:36:39 +0000 https://www.colemanorthodontics.com/?p=686 “Dr. Coleman – when is the best time for kids to get braces?” Is this question one that you’ve ever wondered about? Orthodontic treatment timing can sometimes be confusing. There are so many people voicing opinions about why their child needs braces now and why others say they’ve been told to wait until their kids [...]

The post When Is the Best Time for Kids To Get Braces? first appeared on Coleman Orthodontics.

“Dr. Coleman – when is the best time for kids to get braces?”

Is this question one that you’ve ever wondered about? Orthodontic treatment timing can sometimes be confusing. There are so many people voicing opinions about why their child needs braces now and why others say they’ve been told to wait until their kids are older. Some are waiting for their dentist to tell them when it’s time to start looking into orthodontic treatment. These opinions are all well-meaning, but how do you know if they really pertain to your kids? I know you want the best for them but what is best?

I’ve recently written about the importance of kids having their first orthodontic exam around the age of 7 years old, whether their dentist refers them or not. This is a great starting point and is recommended by the American Association of Orthodontists too. Some kids do need early treatment during these younger years to intercept problems that could become more severe if not treated early. Sometimes this is referred to as “Phase I” treatment. But what about those kids who have their 7-year-old exam but don’t have any problems that require braces yet?

Yet another great question. At Coleman Orthodontics, we have a free, valuable and fun program called the “CSI Kid’s Club”. For these kids not yet ready for orthodontic treatment, this program enables us to keep a close eye on them with follow-up appointments every six months in the office to evaluate their growth and development, watch for unexpected problems that may arise, and decide the right time to start braces. It takes all the worries and concerns out of your hands. Who wouldn’t like to worry less about their kids’ health? Just be sure to keep those appointments and we’ll take care of the rest. And remember, these regular follow-ups are free of charge.

I’ll wrap this post up by answering the final question; “When is the best time for kids to get braces?” If your child had their first consultation around age 7, was not ready for treatment, and became a member of the Kid’s Club, you can expect that girls will be ready to start their braces on average between the ages of 11-13, and for boys, between the ages of 12-15. There are always exceptions to that estimate, but this is what we typically see.

Hopefully, that clears up any confusion you might have related to these questions. Keep in mind that you don’t need a referral from your dentist for you or your child to be seen in our office for a free consultation. Give us a call any time if you have questions – we’re always more than happy to help!

Keep Smiling,

Dr. Coleman

The post When Is the Best Time for Kids To Get Braces? first appeared on Coleman Orthodontics.

Unlock the Convenience: Discover the World of Retainer Club! https://www.colemanorthodontics.com/unlock-the-convenience-discover-the-world-of-retainer-club/ Fri, 08 Mar 2024 22:11:19 +0000 https://www.colemanorthodontics.com/?p=630 Last week, I wrote a blog about the challenges of lifetime retainer wear to protect your orthodontic investment. I mentioned that 20-25% of patients don’t wear their retainers as prescribed. Here’s the list of reasons why some people struggle with this: The retainer is uncomfortable. I talk funny when I wear them. I don’t like [...]

The post Unlock the Convenience: Discover the World of Retainer Club! first appeared on Coleman Orthodontics.

Coleman Orthodontics and Retainer Club logos

Last week, I wrote a blog about the challenges of lifetime retainer wear to protect your orthodontic investment. I mentioned that 20-25% of patients don’t wear their retainers as prescribed. Here’s the list of reasons why some people struggle with this:

  • The retainer is uncomfortable.
  • I talk funny when I wear them.
  • I don’t like the way the wire goes across my front teeth.
  • I don’t want to take the time to get a new one.
  • I don’t want to spend a lot of money on a new one.

Our Coleman Orthodontics team has been researching and talking about ways that we could lessen the burden of keeping your straight, confident smile looking great for a lifetime. We’re excited to announce that we’ve found a great solution that addresses all these concerns!

First, how can we make retainers feel more comfortable, look better and be easier to talk with while wearing them? The answer is easy; clear (Essix) retainers. These retainers have been around for a long time. The hesitation we’ve had recommending them in the past is their durability. But with new technologies come better products. The orthodontic industry is no exception. The plastics that we have available now to use for Essix retainers are far superior to anything we’ve ever had on the market before. Now, don’t get me wrong, any retainer is going to wear down or break over time and will need to be replaced, sometimes as much as yearly. Anything in the mouth takes a beating. But we’re seeing these retainers now holding up as well as any other type of retainer that’s available.

Second, how can we make retainer replacement more convenient and overall more affordable? We’re excited to announce that we will be partnering with our lab, Retainer Club, to help solve these concerns. Retainer Club is an innovative service that allows you to easily order replacement retainers from an app on your phone, followed by FREE home delivery. You also will have the option of choosing a service plan that qualifies you for discounted lifetime retainers. What could be more convenient than that?

We’re excited about this new partnership! We believe that everyone deserves to have a simple way to protect their orthodontic investment of time and money. Go to Retainer Club or call our office for more information!

Keep Smiling,

Dr. Coleman

The post Unlock the Convenience: Discover the World of Retainer Club! first appeared on Coleman Orthodontics.

How Would You Like a Hassle-Free Way To Keep Your Teeth Straight for a Lifetime? https://www.colemanorthodontics.com/how-would-you-like-a-hassle-free-way-to-keep-your-teeth-straight-for-a-lifetime/ Thu, 22 Feb 2024 20:00:05 +0000 https://www.colemanorthodontics.com/?p=622 The other day, a young man (we’ll call him “Tim”) came into our office with his mom, and sat down in the treatment chair, while mom sat across from him on the bench. This was a “retainer check” appointment. When I walked over to his chair, I could tell neither of them was very happy. [...]

The post How Would You Like a Hassle-Free Way To Keep Your Teeth Straight for a Lifetime? first appeared on Coleman Orthodontics.

The other day, a young man (we’ll call him “Tim”) came into our office with his mom, and sat down in the treatment chair, while mom sat across from him on the bench. This was a “retainer check” appointment. When I walked over to his chair, I could tell neither of them was very happy. Apparently, Tim had not been wearing his retainer, so it no longer fit. I looked in his mouth and sure enough, the reason for the poor-fitting retainer was clearly evident. His teeth would require orthodontic treatment again to fix the problem. Does this story sound familiar?

Studies show that 20-25% of patients who complete orthodontic treatment don’t wear their retainers as prescribed. That’s a lot of wasted money! We don’t like seeing this any more than you do! In my years as an orthodontist, I’ve learned that there are several reasons why some people struggle with retainers in general. Here are a few:

-This retainer is uncomfortable.
-I talk funny when I wear them.
-I don’t like the way the wire goes across my front teeth.
-I don’t want to take the time to get a new one.
-I don’t want to spend the money on a new one.
-My dog ate my retainer…

And the list goes on. So, we’ve been thinking and talking in the office recently; what could we do to ease the challenge of keeping teeth straight for a lifetime? How could we make retainer wear as comfortable, convenient, affordable and simple as possible?

I’m excited to announce that we’ve come up with a great idea that we believe is the answer to resolving the famous retainer struggles, except for the one, “My dog ate my retainer.” Unfortunately, we can’t help you with that!

Over the next month, we’ll be rolling out this new lifetime retention program for all new patients who start treatment and all existing patients currently in comprehensive treatment. We really want to offer the best way possible to protect your investment. We’ll be sharing more details in our blogs, emails, social media and office displays in the coming weeks, and plan to begin offering this program by mid-March. Until then…

Keep Smiling,

Dr. Coleman

The post How Would You Like a Hassle-Free Way To Keep Your Teeth Straight for a Lifetime? first appeared on Coleman Orthodontics.

What Retainers Are Best? https://www.colemanorthodontics.com/what-retainers-are-best/ Fri, 09 Feb 2024 17:45:27 +0000 https://www.colemanorthodontics.com/?p=618 Retainers are a very important part of orthodontic treatment. The fact is that teeth move with time, whether you’ve had orthodontic treatment or not. Retainers are the only proven way to keep your teeth from shifting. We call them the “insurance policy” of your orthodontic investment. We get the question all the time – “What retainers are best?” [...]

The post What Retainers Are Best? first appeared on Coleman Orthodontics.

Retainers are a very important part of orthodontic treatment. The fact is that teeth move with time, whether you’ve had orthodontic treatment or not. Retainers are the only proven way to keep your teeth from shifting. We call them the “insurance policy” of your orthodontic investment. We get the question all the time – “What retainers are best?” It can be confusing because there are so many options. Let me provide you with my thoughts:

1. Hawley retainers – these are considered the “traditional” orthodontic retainers. Wire and plastic acrylic are the main components of Hawleys. They’ve been around for a long time because the materials have been readily available for many years. We use these retainers now primarily for younger kids who have just finished their first phase of treatment and still have some baby teeth and a second phase of braces later in life to finish their treatment. I don’t love them for final, long-term retainers.

2. Bonded (permanent) retainers – these used to be my favorite retainers for the bottom teeth. The lower Hawley retainers are less comfortable to wear so we noticed early on that compliance was an issue with these. Placing a bonded wire on the inside of the front teeth took care of that concern. I’m not a fan of bonded retainers on the top teeth. First, most people aren’t candidates for these because of their bite in the front. Second, they don’t stay on very well because the chewing forces that push food up against the top retainer tend to break it. Bonded retainers in general require a fair amount of maintenance. But for many years, I felt that was a good tradeoff to keep the bottom teeth straight. I’d rather maintain a bonded retainer than have to go back into treatment to fix teeth that shifted because the Hawley retainer wasn’t worn.

3. Essix (clear) retainers – these have by far become my favorite retainers. Essix retainers have been around for quite some time, but I didn’t have a lot of faith in them in past years due to breakage. But thanks to recent advances in technology, the plastic on the market that these retainers are made from has become much more durable. These retainers are the most comfortable to wear, keep the teeth in better alignment, are easier to talk with when in use, are virtually invisible and are easy to replace. Best of all, people wear these retainers better than all the others, even teenagers! This negates the need for a bonded retainer in my mind. Why have something in the mouth that requires maintenance when you can get the same results with something removable? Keep in mind though, that these are not the best choices for younger kids who finish their first phase of treatment and will need a second phase later to finish.

Hopefully, this information helps you to understand more about retainers in general and why we recommend different retainers for different purposes in our office. If you have further questions, feel free to ask one of us next time you’re in the office. And if you’d like to schedule a free consultation to find out how we can be your guide to that confident smile you deserve, feel free to call our office!

Keep Smiling! 

Dr. Coleman 

The post What Retainers Are Best? first appeared on Coleman Orthodontics.

‘‘I Never Thought My Smile Could Look So Good!” https://www.colemanorthodontics.com/i-never-thought-my-smile-could-look-so-good/ Tue, 19 Dec 2023 18:44:54 +0000 https://www.colemanorthodontics.com/?p=541 When we think of braces, the image of teenagers with metal smiles frequently comes to mind. However, the world of orthodontics has evolved, and an increasing number of adults are now choosing to straighten their teeth for both aesthetic and health reasons. When many adults visit our office for consultations, their overall perception is that [...]

The post ‘‘I Never Thought My Smile Could Look So Good!” first appeared on Coleman Orthodontics.

When we think of braces, the image of teenagers with metal smiles frequently comes to mind. However, the world of orthodontics has evolved, and an increasing number of adults are now choosing to straighten their teeth for both aesthetic and health reasons. When many adults visit our office for consultations, their overall perception is that they are too old for orthodontic treatment and won’t “fit in” as a patient in our practice. Truth be told, about 30% of all our patients are adults. Trust me… you will fit in just fine!

Here are a few reasons why more adults are choosing orthodontic treatment:

  1. Aesthetic Concerns: Adults are more conscious of appearance than ever. Misaligned teeth can affect confidence and self-esteem. Many of our adult patients are parents of kids who have completed treatment in our office and they love their kids’ confident smiles.
  2. Health Benefits: Beyond aesthetics, straightening your teeth can have significant oral and general health benefits. Misaligned teeth can lead to issues such as jaw pain, chewing problems, and even digestive problems. By opting for orthodontic treatment, adults can improve their oral health and overall well-being.
  3. Advancements in Technology: Traditional metal braces are no longer the only option. Innovative technologies have made it possible for the use of alternatives like clear aligners (such as Invisalign®) and ceramic, tooth-colored braces. These options provide effective results but make it more comfortable with reduced visibility.

Take a look at one of our adult patients. Kim just had her braces removed a few weeks ago. She never had considered braces until she noticed so many people leaving our office with such amazing smiles!


Before Treatment


After 12 Months of Treatment
full after1
full after2

Orthodontic treatment for adults is not just about achieving a straighter smile; it’s about embracing change and investing in one’s overall well-being. Kim loves her new smile and recently told me, “I’m glad I made the decision to do something for myself to increase my confidence and improve my smile!” With a variety of options available, adults can now choose the treatment that best fits their lifestyle and preferences. If you’re considering orthodontic treatment, call Coleman Orthodontics to explore the possibilities and take the first step toward a healthier, more confident smile.

Keep Smiling and Merry Christmas!

Dr. Coleman

The post ‘‘I Never Thought My Smile Could Look So Good!” first appeared on Coleman Orthodontics.

What Is The Right Age For My Child To See An Orthodontist? https://www.colemanorthodontics.com/what-is-the-right-age-for-my-child-to-see-an-orthodontist/ Thu, 28 Sep 2023 18:13:43 +0000 https://www.colemanorthodontics.com/?p=479 I think this is the most asked question in orthodontics. Maybe even more asked than “When am I getting my braces off?” The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that all kids have an orthodontic consultation around the age of seven years old. But isn’t that too young to have braces? Great question. I’ll explain. Most [...]

The post What Is The Right Age For My Child To See An Orthodontist? first appeared on Coleman Orthodontics.

I think this is the most asked question in orthodontics. Maybe even more asked than “When am I getting my braces off?” The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that all kids have an orthodontic consultation around the age of seven years old. But isn’t that too young to have braces? Great question. I’ll explain.

Most kids from the ages of 7-10 years old don’t need braces or other orthodontic treatment. But kids whose dental problems fall into certain categories can definitely benefit from early orthodontic treatment and many difficult problems can be solved or alleviated with orthodontic intervention. Some of these problems include:

  • Crowding of the upper and lower front teeth
  • Crossbites
  • Missing teeth
  • Extra teeth
  • Early loss of baby teeth
  • Breathing and airway problems
  • Jaw growth problems

Orthodontists are experts in the early diagnosis of orthodontic problems in children. In our office, we use high-tech digital X-rays to see the upper and lower jaws and all of the teeth, even the permanent ones that haven’t come in yet. Many problems go undiagnosed without these special X-rays. You might think your child has perfect baby teeth and a cute smile and won’t need to see an orthodontist until all those baby teeth come out. But you never know what problems a child might have sitting right underneath those perfect baby teeth.

Consultations in our office are free. And no, you don’t need to have a referral from your dentist to make an appointment or be seen for a consultation. These appointments take about an hour and you’ll leave well-informed and with a plan going forward, whether that means treatment now or well into the future.

So, the short answers:

  • “When should my child be seen by an orthodontist?” Age 7 is ideal.
  • “Isn’t my child too young to have braces then?” No, but only if they have certain problems.

I am a firm believer that the best early treatment is to do nothing. I am also a firm believer that the best early treatment is to do something if there is a very good reason to do so. If you have any questions about early orthodontic treatment or otherwise, please call our office. We are passionate about helping people understand more about the benefits of orthodontic treatment!

Keep Smiling,

Dr. Coleman

The post What Is The Right Age For My Child To See An Orthodontist? first appeared on Coleman Orthodontics.
